segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2016

Leffe Blonde

Cerveja: Leffe Blonde
Cervejaria: Abbaye de Leffe
Grupo: Anheuser-InBev
Importado por AMBEV
Estilo: Belgian Blond Ale
Teor alcoólico: 6,6%
Ingredientes (rótulo): água, malte de cevada, cereais não malteados, carboidratos e lúpulo.
Volume: lata comprida de 330ml
Preço médio: 
Onde comprar: supermercados (Angeloni e Bistek)
Temperatura ideal: 0 a 5 graus
Degustada em: 14/01/2016

O que achei

Cerveja de cor bem dourada e de líquido límpido. Carbonatação média baixa. Um aroma maltado, lupulado, meio alcoólico e um sabor meio herbal, com leve amargor e um adocicado alcoólico que predomina no retrogosto.

Avaliação final: Por ser uma cerveja feita com cereais não maltados ela até que é bem feita e gostosa.

Informações Oficiais

In a few words
Leffe Blond is an authentic blond abbey beer with a slight hint of bitterness to it.

In the fifties, an extraordinary meeting took place that all beer enthusiasts should raise their glass of Leffe to. The abbey’s Father Abbot Nys became acquainted with Albert Lootvoet, a master brewer. Passionate about the future of the brewery, Father Nys was upset to have to witness how, since the unpleasant stay of the French revolutionaries, the brewery had slowly fallen into decline and had eventually had to close its doors in 1809. Such a magnificent place could not be forgotten, he believed, and he vowed to bring the Leffe beer back. Father Nys and the brewer set about the challenge with vigour…and succeeded. Shortly after, the Leffe brewery was back in full effect. After Leffe Brown, a beer that shone brighter than the sun saw the light of day; they named it Leffe Blond – a beautiful chapter for Leffe indeed.

“Age-old expertise and the combination of pale malt, water, hop and yeast lend Leffe Blond its subtle taste and golden colour, which manages to catch and reflect the light. Hints of vanilla and clove infuse the beer with an even smoother flavour, which best expresses itself in a Leffe chalice, simultaneously allowing the soft, fresh essence of this beer to unveil its true elegance."

While this is a perfect aperitif beer, it also tastes delicious with a wide variety of dishes, especially red meat, sweet and sour dishes and white mould cheese, such as Camenbert, Brie, Brillat-Savarin or Saint-Marcellin. There are countless soft-centred cheeses that are a good match for the fresh and fruity Leffe Blond. Leffe Blond contains 6.6% alcohol and is best served at 5-6°C in a beer chalice, which will allow all the flavours to come through.
(Informações do site)

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